Friday, August 7, 2009

AUGUST 6, 2009

Hello Everyone,

We are coming to the end of the 4 week session and it has been a busy week. I am so glad to have been a part of this journey. It has been a blessing. Today I called so many people on the phone that I was feeling dehydrated. I am going to keep on keeping on with this to the best of my ability. I have learned so much and how to talk to people and what to say. I can almost know what people are going to say before they say it. All I can say right now is Thank You JESUS For this wonderful opportunity. With God all things are possible.

1 comment:

  1. Linette~~

    You keep that phone to your ear and a glass of water near you . . . Keep making calls to your wealth of former contacts. It seems you have many folks to "tap into" and now the key is to have them all become World Changers right from the get-go. As we approach mid-month, it's a good time since they can then take advantage of their vouchers in September! ;-).

    Great job this Boot Camp. I know you were challenged, with work, with health, with school, and keeping up with all the irons you have in the fire, and then adding atop all of this, customer service ---- You're leading by example, and one day, ever greater results will come and you will find yourself where you wish to be.

