Monday, July 20, 2009

July 20, 2009 Evening

Good Evening,

Today was a full day for me. I had an afternoon appointment with another World Changer today. We went and met with a lady whom the appointment was for the Money Merge Account with my other Business United First Financial. After I had taken all the data for the Questionnaire I notice the client had a lot of debt and very little discretionary income left over. I then asked Her a few Questions. 1) What would you do if someone gave you $500 right now, what would you do with the money. 2) If you had an extra $500 per month what would you do with that increase in income. 3) What would you do if you had no more debt, and all of your consumer debt was paid off and all you had to be concerned with is your monthly maintenance. With these 3 questions The client told me she has 2 children, One 21 yrs old who just moved back home and One 11 yrs old. She went on to say she wants to own her own business because she is tired of being laid off. She has been laid off 3 times in 5 years and she is sick of it. She wants to manage her time to have more time with her daughters and possibly open a fitness center for children or an Italian Christian Arts Center. She also wants to go back to school to become fluent in her Italian language. I then let her know that immediately I have an opportunity she can get started today and she can work it as a family business. She loved that. I showed her the video of the company and immediately she signed up as a Business Starter. I encouraged her to find the things that she will need anyway and purchase them from her mall and have her daughters do the same. With this Business I showed her how she will increase Her discretionary income from $25 per month to $500 per month in a reasonable time frame. She loved that as well. I let her know I will assist her with her new business and help her get started properly and She will become debt free in Not 30 years but less than 10. Another successful day, Thanks to "Together We Can Change The World"

1 comment:

  1. Hi Linette,

    I had tears in my eyes as I read your "Why". I believe in you so much and am so happy My Power Mall exists. It's when I read stories like yours that all the years of effort to create MPM is so worth it!

    I'm excited to see all the people you will help in your own journey to success and freedom. I want to know when you give your job the Pink Slip so that I can celebrate with you!!

