Wednesday, July 29, 2009

JULY 29, 2009

Hello Everyone,

Today I was drained but I still worked at the foundation. I am doing all that Jackie suggested and what am I getting is a lot of "I want to think about it, or Let me check it out first". They want to look it over and this can be frustrating. They want to think about it or they want to try it for free so another Free Business Mall. I made sure they know to upgrade before 30 days. So of course I was hoping for more. But I remember I started out as a Free business Mall. My daughter Lana started out as a free business mall. So hope is not all lost. We both upgraded with a little education about the product and the company. I keep thinking back to what was said to me when I was a Free person. Now I want to help others get free from being a free person and become a World Changer! Why, because Together We Can Change The World!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Linette ~~~

    Over the years I've learned, and you've likely heard it, too ---

    "People will follow the way you get started in a business."

    Start as a World Changer; people follow as a World Changer.

    Start as a Business Mall; people follow with a Business Mall.

    You WILL find a way around this and eventually, many, many on your team will only sign up as World Changers. For now, the tide just has to shift. Shift it will. For you have determination and you have charisma; and you are a guide for people, in more ways than just this business.

    Hi to Lana. Rest well.
